Saturday, March 31, 2012

Challenge Day 16

Yesterday completed challenge day 16! I am down 7.5lbs in only 16 days! Wow! I am feeling great and so energetic! Late yesterday morning Mikey and I took a walk, and not just any walk, but a long walk! We walked (well I walked, and he rode in the stroller) for 3.5 miles in 1.5 hours, stopping at a few garage sales on the way! I think that is probably the farthest that I have walked willingly! The awesome thing is, I didn't even feel worn out when we got back home, like I used to when we went for walks that weren't nearly as far as that! I was hot from walking in the direct sun on part of the way home, and my legs felt a little "rubbery" for a while (since I'm not used to walking that far), but other than that I felt fine! That was a great feeling, to know I can walk that far without completely crashing when I'm done!

Then later that evening after my hubby got home, we took Mikey and our dog Beau to the adopt-a-thon at Wayside Waiffs, we have been thinking about getting another dog, and adoption fees this weekend are only $25. We had to wait to have our "meet & greet" with the dog we wanted to see for 3.5 hours! Since we knew that we were going to have to wait for several hours we went a head and got something to eat while we waited. When we finally got to see the dog it was about 9:15pm. Jazzi was the dogs name, she was a medium size black lab mix, and she was a little over a year old. When she was in her kennel she seemed super calm and mellow, but once we got to meet her out in the meet & greet room she was super hyper. Which may be just because she had been locked up in a small space, but Beau didn't like it, and she knocked Mikey over a couple of times. So after waiting for about 3.5 hours we went home empty handed. Oh well, I guess it just wasn't meant to be!

After that super busy, active day, I should have been exhausted, but I wasn't! I wasn't any tireder than I should be at 10:00 at night. I love how Spark makes me feel! Spark is a tasty and overall a great drink! If your used to drinking, or even crave soda, coffee or any other sugary and caffeinated drink full of carbs, you really need to try Spark! Spark gives you loads of energy without the "crash" that you get after drinking a typically caffeinated beverage! I used to drink coffee every morning full of creamer and sugar because I do not like coffee black (and it you drink coffee you have to agree that liquid creamer is much tastier than powder, even though powder has less calories), and I would drink soda when it was around, just because. Now, since I started drinking Spark in the morning in place of coffee, or during the day when I want something "sweet" to drink, I feel much more energetic and aware! I no longer even make coffee in the morning, and I don't miss it or soda! There are so many different flavors of spark, I think my favorite is the mango strawberry...yum!

Anyways, these are great products and so far I love how they make me feel, and the results they have given me!

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Challenge Day 15

Yesterday I spent most of the day cooking and preparing food for bunko last night. I hosted bunko at my moms house so I had to prepare the food. The menu included chicken salad with grapes and celery on whole wheat pitas, and fruit salad that had cantaloupe, strawberries and kiwis in it, and a veggie tray! All healthy and delicious! The dessert, maybe not so much...homemade chocolate bowls with homemade whipped cream and berries on top! I did pretty good last night, and I couldn't even finish my dessert, because after not eating sweets for the last 15 days, it was incredibly sweet and rich! I didn't gain any weight back from little splurge! I am down 7.5lbs!

Anyways, last night was great and I didn't break the challenge to much and even though I did have a little bit of sweets I'm not craving it again like I normally would! Well, its time for my morning walk with my son since I hear him awake upstairs!

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Challenge Day 14

Yesterday was Challenge day 14! Yesterday was a scorcher, it hit around 81 degrees but it felt much hotter! Yesterday Michial and I spent the day with my mom. We ran around most of the day getting prizes for Bunko tonight! Normally with as much running around as we did, I would be completely exhausted. But I wasn't, amazingly I felt great the whole day!

We decided to have lunch at Red Robin, because we love their salads. But as you may know, Red Robin is known for their bottomless basket of fries! We could of just asked them to not bring any out, but Mikey was with us, and he loves them! So we got the fries, and I avoided them the entire time we were there. I didn't have one fry, and believe it or not I didn't even miss them! Mom and I got a salad to share, and I could only eat half of my half of the salad and I was already full! Normally, I would eat probably about half of the basket of fries (at least) and my whole half of the salad!

Its great not to have cravings for these non healthy foods! I wasn't a big coffee or soda drinker so I haven't had much of a problem wanting those, although the spark actually gives you more energy than any kind of sugary caffeinated drink. I did however crave other sugary foods that were full of carbs! I think I probably ate chocolate about everyday! Now, I don't even crave it or other sweets! It's great, I feel free from these foods that I thought I had to have and I couldn't live without!

One of the big things I have learned in these few days, is listen to your body. It will tell you when your full or if your really hungry. I was an emotional eater and I snacked when I was bored. But with the 5 mini-meals you eat everyday I no longer think I'm hungry or feel the need to snack at random times.

If you want to loose your cravings, have more energy, and even loose weight, (there are plans that don't encourage weight loss if you don't need that, they just promote feeling better and more energetic) then ask me about how you can get started! I would love to help you reach your goals!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Challenge Day 13

I know I didn't start this blog on day 1, because I still was skeptical of how it was going to work. I am so glad I gave it a chance! I have lost 6lbs, and my pants are so loose that I had to go buy a new belt to keep them up! Not to mention I feel great, and it is much easier to get out of bed in the morning, since I sleep great and get fully restored for the day ahead! I have had awesome results in only 13 days!

I guess I should share a little bit about myself. Almost 2 years ago now I had my first son, Mikey. Not even 6 weeks after childbirth I was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 24. A little over a week after I was diagnosed I had surgery, and 2 more surgeries while I was still in the hospital. I was in the hospital for inpatient rehab for a month after my first surgery. I had to learn to walk all over again, from a wheel chair, to a walker, and even now with a cane. And to do other basic functions. So needless to say I was unable to loose the weight I gained when I was pregnant. Plus I put on additional weight while being almost immobile, sitting in a hospital bed, and eating hospital food for a month, and not much activity for several months after. That was in August 2010. In February 2011, I had brain surgery once again to remove the rest of the tumor. This time I didn't loose as much function but I still lost enough to warrant me in inpatient rehab for a month once again.

After this all happened I felt emotionally and physically drained. I had to force myself to get out of bed most mornings to get the day started. I had to entertain a toddler which wore me out even more! It still takes me more energy to do things because I have weakness on my right extremities. But, this challenge has changed all that! Spark is amazing! That's the only way I can describe it! It gives me so much energy! I no longer feel exhausted in the afternoon even after a long walk in the morning with my son.

I had tried loosing weight on my own by eating less and walking more, but that made my energy plummet even more. Not to mention I only seemed to be able to loose a few pounds in several months, but always gaining it back because I would give in to my cravings! With Advocare I have no cravings anymore. It has been 13 days, and I don't long for sweets, carbs, or even CHOCOLATE anymore! Yes, I said chocolate, that has always been my weakness!

I can only wait for the days ahead of me, because I know they will bring more weight loss and lost inches! I want to be able to comfortably fit in my pre-pregnancy jeans once again, and I know I will! If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me!

Remember, this is not a diet, its a nutritional program!

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