Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Challenge Day 13

I know I didn't start this blog on day 1, because I still was skeptical of how it was going to work. I am so glad I gave it a chance! I have lost 6lbs, and my pants are so loose that I had to go buy a new belt to keep them up! Not to mention I feel great, and it is much easier to get out of bed in the morning, since I sleep great and get fully restored for the day ahead! I have had awesome results in only 13 days!

I guess I should share a little bit about myself. Almost 2 years ago now I had my first son, Mikey. Not even 6 weeks after childbirth I was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 24. A little over a week after I was diagnosed I had surgery, and 2 more surgeries while I was still in the hospital. I was in the hospital for inpatient rehab for a month after my first surgery. I had to learn to walk all over again, from a wheel chair, to a walker, and even now with a cane. And to do other basic functions. So needless to say I was unable to loose the weight I gained when I was pregnant. Plus I put on additional weight while being almost immobile, sitting in a hospital bed, and eating hospital food for a month, and not much activity for several months after. That was in August 2010. In February 2011, I had brain surgery once again to remove the rest of the tumor. This time I didn't loose as much function but I still lost enough to warrant me in inpatient rehab for a month once again.

After this all happened I felt emotionally and physically drained. I had to force myself to get out of bed most mornings to get the day started. I had to entertain a toddler which wore me out even more! It still takes me more energy to do things because I have weakness on my right extremities. But, this challenge has changed all that! Spark is amazing! That's the only way I can describe it! It gives me so much energy! I no longer feel exhausted in the afternoon even after a long walk in the morning with my son.

I had tried loosing weight on my own by eating less and walking more, but that made my energy plummet even more. Not to mention I only seemed to be able to loose a few pounds in several months, but always gaining it back because I would give in to my cravings! With Advocare I have no cravings anymore. It has been 13 days, and I don't long for sweets, carbs, or even CHOCOLATE anymore! Yes, I said chocolate, that has always been my weakness!

I can only wait for the days ahead of me, because I know they will bring more weight loss and lost inches! I want to be able to comfortably fit in my pre-pregnancy jeans once again, and I know I will! If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me!

Remember, this is not a diet, its a nutritional program!

Learn more about the 24 Day Challenge
Learn more about Advocare
Ask me how to get Advocare products at a discounted rate!

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