Friday, March 30, 2012

Challenge Day 15

Yesterday I spent most of the day cooking and preparing food for bunko last night. I hosted bunko at my moms house so I had to prepare the food. The menu included chicken salad with grapes and celery on whole wheat pitas, and fruit salad that had cantaloupe, strawberries and kiwis in it, and a veggie tray! All healthy and delicious! The dessert, maybe not so much...homemade chocolate bowls with homemade whipped cream and berries on top! I did pretty good last night, and I couldn't even finish my dessert, because after not eating sweets for the last 15 days, it was incredibly sweet and rich! I didn't gain any weight back from little splurge! I am down 7.5lbs!

Anyways, last night was great and I didn't break the challenge to much and even though I did have a little bit of sweets I'm not craving it again like I normally would! Well, its time for my morning walk with my son since I hear him awake upstairs!

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