Saturday, March 31, 2012

Challenge Day 16

Yesterday completed challenge day 16! I am down 7.5lbs in only 16 days! Wow! I am feeling great and so energetic! Late yesterday morning Mikey and I took a walk, and not just any walk, but a long walk! We walked (well I walked, and he rode in the stroller) for 3.5 miles in 1.5 hours, stopping at a few garage sales on the way! I think that is probably the farthest that I have walked willingly! The awesome thing is, I didn't even feel worn out when we got back home, like I used to when we went for walks that weren't nearly as far as that! I was hot from walking in the direct sun on part of the way home, and my legs felt a little "rubbery" for a while (since I'm not used to walking that far), but other than that I felt fine! That was a great feeling, to know I can walk that far without completely crashing when I'm done!

Then later that evening after my hubby got home, we took Mikey and our dog Beau to the adopt-a-thon at Wayside Waiffs, we have been thinking about getting another dog, and adoption fees this weekend are only $25. We had to wait to have our "meet & greet" with the dog we wanted to see for 3.5 hours! Since we knew that we were going to have to wait for several hours we went a head and got something to eat while we waited. When we finally got to see the dog it was about 9:15pm. Jazzi was the dogs name, she was a medium size black lab mix, and she was a little over a year old. When she was in her kennel she seemed super calm and mellow, but once we got to meet her out in the meet & greet room she was super hyper. Which may be just because she had been locked up in a small space, but Beau didn't like it, and she knocked Mikey over a couple of times. So after waiting for about 3.5 hours we went home empty handed. Oh well, I guess it just wasn't meant to be!

After that super busy, active day, I should have been exhausted, but I wasn't! I wasn't any tireder than I should be at 10:00 at night. I love how Spark makes me feel! Spark is a tasty and overall a great drink! If your used to drinking, or even crave soda, coffee or any other sugary and caffeinated drink full of carbs, you really need to try Spark! Spark gives you loads of energy without the "crash" that you get after drinking a typically caffeinated beverage! I used to drink coffee every morning full of creamer and sugar because I do not like coffee black (and it you drink coffee you have to agree that liquid creamer is much tastier than powder, even though powder has less calories), and I would drink soda when it was around, just because. Now, since I started drinking Spark in the morning in place of coffee, or during the day when I want something "sweet" to drink, I feel much more energetic and aware! I no longer even make coffee in the morning, and I don't miss it or soda! There are so many different flavors of spark, I think my favorite is the mango strawberry...yum!

Anyways, these are great products and so far I love how they make me feel, and the results they have given me!

Learn more about the 24 Day Challenge

Learn more about Spark
Learn more about Advocare
Ask me how to get Advocare products at a discounted rate!

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