Thursday, March 29, 2012

Challenge Day 14

Yesterday was Challenge day 14! Yesterday was a scorcher, it hit around 81 degrees but it felt much hotter! Yesterday Michial and I spent the day with my mom. We ran around most of the day getting prizes for Bunko tonight! Normally with as much running around as we did, I would be completely exhausted. But I wasn't, amazingly I felt great the whole day!

We decided to have lunch at Red Robin, because we love their salads. But as you may know, Red Robin is known for their bottomless basket of fries! We could of just asked them to not bring any out, but Mikey was with us, and he loves them! So we got the fries, and I avoided them the entire time we were there. I didn't have one fry, and believe it or not I didn't even miss them! Mom and I got a salad to share, and I could only eat half of my half of the salad and I was already full! Normally, I would eat probably about half of the basket of fries (at least) and my whole half of the salad!

Its great not to have cravings for these non healthy foods! I wasn't a big coffee or soda drinker so I haven't had much of a problem wanting those, although the spark actually gives you more energy than any kind of sugary caffeinated drink. I did however crave other sugary foods that were full of carbs! I think I probably ate chocolate about everyday! Now, I don't even crave it or other sweets! It's great, I feel free from these foods that I thought I had to have and I couldn't live without!

One of the big things I have learned in these few days, is listen to your body. It will tell you when your full or if your really hungry. I was an emotional eater and I snacked when I was bored. But with the 5 mini-meals you eat everyday I no longer think I'm hungry or feel the need to snack at random times.

If you want to loose your cravings, have more energy, and even loose weight, (there are plans that don't encourage weight loss if you don't need that, they just promote feeling better and more energetic) then ask me about how you can get started! I would love to help you reach your goals!

Learn more about the 24 Day Challenge

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