Monday, April 2, 2012

Challenge Days 17 & 18

Challenge Day 17:

Saturday was a great day! We woke up earlier than we normally do on Saturday's because we took Mikey to the Easter egg hunt at my parents neighborhood! He got lots of candy, and had a chocolate covered face by the time we got back to my parents house! It was funny watching him pick up eggs because he was more interested in throwing them or putting them in someone else's basket rather than his own! It was super hot by the time we got back to the house! After we left my parents house we went to Lowe's to get some plants, planters, potting soil, and a tiller for the garden.

Later that evening was the KU game, and even though I am a die hard K-State fan, I was very happy that KU was able to turn the nail-bitter of a game around! During halftime of the game we got Mikey's big boy race car bed put together so he could sleep in it for the first time! He did pretty good for his first night!

Challenge Day 18:

Sunday morning we went to church, and Pastor Phillip Kelly gave a great sermon! When it was time for Mikey to take a nap yesterday afternoon we weren't sure how it was going to go in his new bed. Well, it was an epic fail! He was up there for about 3 hours and I don't think he slept at all! John and I were out on the deck planting our plants in the planters we got. We planted 2 different types of lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cilantro, basil, parsley, chives and green onions. We still have 2 of the planters left, and I think we are going to get some other herbs like thyme, rosemary and mint. I'm looking forward to being able to cook more with fresh spices! John still has to till the garden so he can plant the veggies! That night Mikey went to bed with no problem because he was exhausted from not taking a nap!

I have been noticing my belly fat diminishing, and I am so excited! I am so glad I added catalyst, which is optional for the Challenge. Catalyst helps first with appetite control, it aids in your weight loss, and it helps tighten your loose skin like a flabby belly or those annoying little "flaps" under your arms like women tend to get! But I sure think this is what is helping make my pants so loose! This is great, I am so happy with my weight loss so far and I the great/energetic feeling I have! I am so looking forward to being able to look great in a swimsuit this year!

Learn more about the 24 Day Challenge

Learn more about Catalyst
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