Friday, April 13, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away!!

This week has gone by sort of slow. Mainly because we have had some cloudy/rainy weather. Mikey and I haven't taken our morning walk since Tuesday. Yikes! I miss them, but because of the chilly weather I haven't wanted to get Mikey out! If it was just me (and I could walk that far without a stroller) I wouldn't mind it! Wednesday morning Mikey woke up sneezing with a runny nose, so I didn't think the cold weather would do him much good. Yesterday morning wasn't as cold, but it still was chilly, and there was a chance of rain, and you know what happened last time I took that chance...I ended up with a cold/wet cranky little boy by the time we got home! Even though we haven't been taking our walks the last few days, I haven't been completely lazy :-), I have been doing some ab work outs, and boy can I feel it! I could hardly sit up the other morning when I woke up because I was so sore!

On Tuesday I had a doctor appointment with one of the surgeons from my many surgeries. He is audiologist surgeon. He discussed some promising options for me for hearing implants. There isn't any implant that will make me be able to hear out of my right ear, but there is one called Baha, which is implanted into the skull bone. The bone conducts sound vibrations and reroutes them over to my hearing ear. So even though I won't be able to hear sound out of my right ear, I will be able to hear what is going on on the right side of me. I'm going to test out the device before I actually get one implanted in a couple of weeks! I am very excited because I didn't think there was anything that would help me! I am really hoping that this will be covered by insurance!

Anyways, I continue to be excited about the results I am getting from Advocare! The other day I was able to wear a shirt that I haven't been able to wear since before I got pregnant! I am getting close to being able to wear a pair of my jeans, I can actually get them on, but I can't quite button them yet. But being able to get them on is a BIG improvement! And I still can't get over all the energy I have everyday! Its amazing, and I can't wait until it gets warmer again and we can continue our morning walks! In the future I really want to get a gym membership (with a childcare option) since I now know that I will actually want to go work out, then I can go rain or shine, cold or hot! But before I do that I need to overcome the hurdle of being able to drive again so I can actually go!

I really recommend this product, whether you are looking to loose weight, gain energy or build muscle, or to even just look great in a bikini in a few months! If you have absolutely any questions feel free to contact me, and I would love to answer any questions you may have!

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Challenge Day 24 & Beyond

Challenge Day 24 - Saturday

Saturday was challenge day 24, the last day of the challenge! Saturday was a girls pamper day with a friend! We went and got a spa pedicure, manicure and eyebrow wax! We had such a great time and then that evening we celebrated Easter with my in-laws! Mikey had a great time running around their yard and splashing the water in the birdbath!

My total results so far are 9lbs and I'm down 6 dress sizes in 24 days! Even thought the 24 day challenge is over I'm not going to resume my old eating habits. I am going to continue taking the products including the Max3 pack, which is what you are on for 14 days after the 10 day cleanse in the challenge. This will help me continue to loose weight until I get to my goal. I will also continue taking the Catalyst to help with cravings and Spark to give me energy so I don't have to go back to drinking soda and coffee to try to get energy. I will also continue drinking the meal replacement shakes every morning because I love them and they are a great and easy breakfast! The cleanse part of the challenge, which was the first 10 days is great to do every 90 days just to cleanse out your system (its not like other colon cleanse products that causes you to sit on the pot for days)!

Easter Sunday

Yesterday was Easter Sunday! It was a great day! We started out with a wonderful church service! Then we spent the whole afternoon at a friends house with my family. We ate lunch and then my dad few a kite with Mikey. Then the boys played basketball outside, and after that they shot clay pigeons. We didn't end up leaving there until after 6pm! Mikey was pooped not only did he not get his afternoon nap, but he spent all afternoon running around outside in the sun! Mikey fell asleep on the way home he was so tired. When we got home John and I took Mikey and Beau for a short walk before it got dark. It was a great day!

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Challenge Day 23

Yesterday was Challenge Day 23, and the energy continues! Even after our disastrous walk on Thursday I didn't give up! It was pretty nice yesterday, and the sun made it feel a lot warmer! We only walking around 2 miles yesterday, because we went off our normal path to stop at a garage sale. I got a couple of things for Mikey! A pair of Cars PJ's that go with his new big boy bed that I only paid 50 cents for was one of the items!

Last night we celebrated my little brothers 19th birthday that was on Thursday. He came home for Easter weekend last night from K-State. We ate a Kyoto's, which is a Japanese steakhouse where they cook the food on a big grill in front of you! It's not the best place to eat when you are trying to watch what you eat, because of course they cook with a lot of soy sauce which is full of sodium! With each meal you get soup, salad, veggies and white or fried rice. I substituted my rice for extra veggies because I knew I didn't want any, and therefor I wasn't tempted to eat it. I got the salmon and steak meal, which I only ate half of, and probably about 1/4 of my veggies since I got extra, but John ate the rest. I had a couple of his scallops. So I felt like I did pretty good!

After we ate, we went back to my parents house to have cookie cake. I got Dylan a big double decker cookie cake from Sam's. Talk about calories galore! Normally I would eat a pretty good sized piece because I love sweets! I only ate a very small piece of the cake, and I couldn't even eat much of it because after not having sweets like that for the last few weeks, it was incredibly rich and sweet!

All in all yesterday was a great day! Even though I strayed from my healthy eating plan a bit, I didn't gain any weight back, which was great! But the products played a big role in not overeating, like is very easy to do at Kyoto's where the food is very yummy!

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Challenge Day 22

Happy Good Friday everyone! What a glorious day it is going to be today! The sun is shinning bright and I get to see my baby brother tonight who just turned 19 yesterday!

So yesterday was day 21, it was kind of chilly yesterday morning so I had to find a pair of pants to wear to take our morning walk. So I tried on a pair of athletic pants that someone gave me that I have never been able to wear before since they were to small. I had kept them around because I've always had good intentions to loose weight. So anyways, I put them on and they fit! And they aren't tight, and these aren't stretchy athletic pants, if you try to wear them and they are to small you are in danger of ripping out the butt if you bend over! LOL!

Before we went on our walk yesterday morning I made sure to check the weather to make sure it wasn't supposed to rain. It wasn't, so dressed in pants and jackets Mikey and I took off with Beau in tow. It wasn't to bad out, besides a little chilly. We got about 1.5 miles from home and it started sprinkling...I didn't think it was supposed to rain I thought. Well I decided to turn around anyways. Well a few minutes later it started sprinkling a little heavier. We were still about a mile from home and Mikey started to get cranky because he was getting wet and that was making him cold. Before we made it home he started throwing a huge fit! I didn't know what to do but walk as fast as I possibly could to get home. The poor guys hands were freezing by the time we got home, so I got him inside and warmed up as soon as we got home!

So after that disastrous walk we stayed inside the rest of the day! Yesterday evening I had John take me to get an Easter dress. I was planning on wearing the one I got last year, but of course it was way to big, which is a great feeling! So I went to try on dresses at my favorite store Maurices. I love the dress I got and I can't wait to wear it on Sunday! And get this, it is 6 dress sizes smaller than the size I started out with! I couldn't believe it! What a great way to end what started out as a disastrous day!!!

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Challenge Day 21

Yesterday was day 21! I still can't believe all this energy I have! Yesterday morning Mikey and I walked 3.2 miles in 1 hour! Wow! Never would I have thought I could do this! I put on my facebook yesterday, "If you would of told me (even before all my surgeries) that I would ENJOY walking this far every morning, I would of laughed in your face! I have never been one to ENJOY exercising in anyway! Advocare is changing my life, and for the better!!" This is so true! Anyways, before we left on our walk yesterday I asked Beau if he wanted to go for a walk, and of course he got excited, but I don't think he knew what he was getting himself into! Towards the end of our walk instead of Beau pulling me, I had to pull him! LOL!

I know Mikey is enjoying have a much more energetic mommy! Even though I still can't do some things, like run around with him since I still have some physical limitations, I feel like I am doing a lot more with him! I can't wait for my hubby to build a playset in the backyard this summer so we can go outside and play on that! Once it gets warmer again we have a water table to put on the back deck for him to play with, and I really can't wait until the pools open so we can take him swimming! By then I will be well on the way to my weight loss goal, and looking great in a swimsuit!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Challenge Day 20

Yesterday was day 20! I started my morning like every morning (but I have no problem getting out of bed anymore!), getting up at 7am and doing my morning Bible study before Mikey wakes up. The weather was beautiful yesterday!

Mikey and I took Beau on a nice long walk yesterday morning, 2.2 miles in just under 45 minutes! I can't even express to you how much energy I have and how great I feel! Some of you may be thinking that I am just feeling better because I had several surgeries in the past couple years so that is just what made me feel bad in the first place. Well that may have very little to do with it, but I feel better and more energetic than I ever have, even before that! Just for example in gym class in school when I was younger, you have to run the mile twice a year. It took me almost the longest in my class to finish, I can't remember exactly but I think it was approaching 25-30 mins for one mile. Right now I am even walking faster than that! I am still not really able to run or jog, even though I would like too, but my balance isn't good enough, and the slight weakness on my right side makes it more difficult!

One of the reasons this challenge isn't really considered a "diet" is because its not just "weight loss", its promoting a better lifestyle. It gives you energy that makes it easier and even desirable to work out and gain muscle, which weighs more than fat, but doesn't take up as much room in your body. So even though the scale doesn't show weight loss, your body will. That is what is wrong with a lot of "diet" programs, they only focus soley on the weight loss side of it. I know I am gaining muscle from all this walking because I can feel it in my calves when I walk, and arms when I am pushing the stroller and hanging onto Beau's leash. And I see that fat, especially in belly area (where I have a lot to lose from my pregnancy belly) disappearing!

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Challenge Day 19

Yesterday was challenge day 19! I am only 5 days away from the end of the challenge! Yesterday was a scorcher, almost hitting 90 degrees! We figured out yesterday that our AC wasn't working, not what you want to find out when you try to turn your AC on! Thankfully today isn't going to be as warm, only getting into the 60's. We have someone coming this afternoon to look at it, hopefully we don't have to get a new unit!

Anyways yesterday morning, Mikey and I took our morning walk, but for the first time we took Beau. Beau isn't a great leash walker, he has husky in him so he has that pulling instinct, and even though he is small he can pull! Since I still have balance issues and walk with a cane the only way I can take these long walks is by pushing a stroller for the stability. So I didn't feel comfortable taking Beau because his pulling makes the stroller roll faster and I didn't know if I would be able to keep up without losing my balance. It wasn't too bad, yes he did pull a lot, and its worse when we are passing another dog, but after a while I got the hang of it! So I think we might be taking Beau with us more often, and I know he will like that!

I still can't get over how this challenge is making me feel! I love all this energy! Not to mention the meal replacement shakes that I drink in the morning are delish, and it makes breakfast a no brainer! I used to not eat breakfast half of the time because I never knew what to have, now I don't even have to think about it! Some mornings I add different flavors like almond extract, orange extract, and raspberry extract for a little variation. On St. Pat's day I added a little mint extract and green food coloring to my vanilla replacement shake to make a shamrock shake! It was good! I have even added banana to a chocolate shake, strawberries and mango pieces to a vanilla shake. There are all kinds of things you can add to these shakes to give them a bit of a variation! I prepare mine with a little ice and water and blend them in my magic bullet, which is awesome! So I can't rave enough about these products, I love them!!

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Learn more about the Meal Replacement Shakes
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