Friday, April 13, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away!!

This week has gone by sort of slow. Mainly because we have had some cloudy/rainy weather. Mikey and I haven't taken our morning walk since Tuesday. Yikes! I miss them, but because of the chilly weather I haven't wanted to get Mikey out! If it was just me (and I could walk that far without a stroller) I wouldn't mind it! Wednesday morning Mikey woke up sneezing with a runny nose, so I didn't think the cold weather would do him much good. Yesterday morning wasn't as cold, but it still was chilly, and there was a chance of rain, and you know what happened last time I took that chance...I ended up with a cold/wet cranky little boy by the time we got home! Even though we haven't been taking our walks the last few days, I haven't been completely lazy :-), I have been doing some ab work outs, and boy can I feel it! I could hardly sit up the other morning when I woke up because I was so sore!

On Tuesday I had a doctor appointment with one of the surgeons from my many surgeries. He is audiologist surgeon. He discussed some promising options for me for hearing implants. There isn't any implant that will make me be able to hear out of my right ear, but there is one called Baha, which is implanted into the skull bone. The bone conducts sound vibrations and reroutes them over to my hearing ear. So even though I won't be able to hear sound out of my right ear, I will be able to hear what is going on on the right side of me. I'm going to test out the device before I actually get one implanted in a couple of weeks! I am very excited because I didn't think there was anything that would help me! I am really hoping that this will be covered by insurance!

Anyways, I continue to be excited about the results I am getting from Advocare! The other day I was able to wear a shirt that I haven't been able to wear since before I got pregnant! I am getting close to being able to wear a pair of my jeans, I can actually get them on, but I can't quite button them yet. But being able to get them on is a BIG improvement! And I still can't get over all the energy I have everyday! Its amazing, and I can't wait until it gets warmer again and we can continue our morning walks! In the future I really want to get a gym membership (with a childcare option) since I now know that I will actually want to go work out, then I can go rain or shine, cold or hot! But before I do that I need to overcome the hurdle of being able to drive again so I can actually go!

I really recommend this product, whether you are looking to loose weight, gain energy or build muscle, or to even just look great in a bikini in a few months! If you have absolutely any questions feel free to contact me, and I would love to answer any questions you may have!

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