Saturday, April 7, 2012

Challenge Day 23

Yesterday was Challenge Day 23, and the energy continues! Even after our disastrous walk on Thursday I didn't give up! It was pretty nice yesterday, and the sun made it feel a lot warmer! We only walking around 2 miles yesterday, because we went off our normal path to stop at a garage sale. I got a couple of things for Mikey! A pair of Cars PJ's that go with his new big boy bed that I only paid 50 cents for was one of the items!

Last night we celebrated my little brothers 19th birthday that was on Thursday. He came home for Easter weekend last night from K-State. We ate a Kyoto's, which is a Japanese steakhouse where they cook the food on a big grill in front of you! It's not the best place to eat when you are trying to watch what you eat, because of course they cook with a lot of soy sauce which is full of sodium! With each meal you get soup, salad, veggies and white or fried rice. I substituted my rice for extra veggies because I knew I didn't want any, and therefor I wasn't tempted to eat it. I got the salmon and steak meal, which I only ate half of, and probably about 1/4 of my veggies since I got extra, but John ate the rest. I had a couple of his scallops. So I felt like I did pretty good!

After we ate, we went back to my parents house to have cookie cake. I got Dylan a big double decker cookie cake from Sam's. Talk about calories galore! Normally I would eat a pretty good sized piece because I love sweets! I only ate a very small piece of the cake, and I couldn't even eat much of it because after not having sweets like that for the last few weeks, it was incredibly rich and sweet!

All in all yesterday was a great day! Even though I strayed from my healthy eating plan a bit, I didn't gain any weight back, which was great! But the products played a big role in not overeating, like is very easy to do at Kyoto's where the food is very yummy!

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