Thursday, April 5, 2012

Challenge Day 21

Yesterday was day 21! I still can't believe all this energy I have! Yesterday morning Mikey and I walked 3.2 miles in 1 hour! Wow! Never would I have thought I could do this! I put on my facebook yesterday, "If you would of told me (even before all my surgeries) that I would ENJOY walking this far every morning, I would of laughed in your face! I have never been one to ENJOY exercising in anyway! Advocare is changing my life, and for the better!!" This is so true! Anyways, before we left on our walk yesterday I asked Beau if he wanted to go for a walk, and of course he got excited, but I don't think he knew what he was getting himself into! Towards the end of our walk instead of Beau pulling me, I had to pull him! LOL!

I know Mikey is enjoying have a much more energetic mommy! Even though I still can't do some things, like run around with him since I still have some physical limitations, I feel like I am doing a lot more with him! I can't wait for my hubby to build a playset in the backyard this summer so we can go outside and play on that! Once it gets warmer again we have a water table to put on the back deck for him to play with, and I really can't wait until the pools open so we can take him swimming! By then I will be well on the way to my weight loss goal, and looking great in a swimsuit!

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