Monday, April 9, 2012

Challenge Day 24 & Beyond

Challenge Day 24 - Saturday

Saturday was challenge day 24, the last day of the challenge! Saturday was a girls pamper day with a friend! We went and got a spa pedicure, manicure and eyebrow wax! We had such a great time and then that evening we celebrated Easter with my in-laws! Mikey had a great time running around their yard and splashing the water in the birdbath!

My total results so far are 9lbs and I'm down 6 dress sizes in 24 days! Even thought the 24 day challenge is over I'm not going to resume my old eating habits. I am going to continue taking the products including the Max3 pack, which is what you are on for 14 days after the 10 day cleanse in the challenge. This will help me continue to loose weight until I get to my goal. I will also continue taking the Catalyst to help with cravings and Spark to give me energy so I don't have to go back to drinking soda and coffee to try to get energy. I will also continue drinking the meal replacement shakes every morning because I love them and they are a great and easy breakfast! The cleanse part of the challenge, which was the first 10 days is great to do every 90 days just to cleanse out your system (its not like other colon cleanse products that causes you to sit on the pot for days)!

Easter Sunday

Yesterday was Easter Sunday! It was a great day! We started out with a wonderful church service! Then we spent the whole afternoon at a friends house with my family. We ate lunch and then my dad few a kite with Mikey. Then the boys played basketball outside, and after that they shot clay pigeons. We didn't end up leaving there until after 6pm! Mikey was pooped not only did he not get his afternoon nap, but he spent all afternoon running around outside in the sun! Mikey fell asleep on the way home he was so tired. When we got home John and I took Mikey and Beau for a short walk before it got dark. It was a great day!

Learn more about the 24 Day Challenge
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Ask me how to get Advocare products at a discounted rate!

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