Friday, April 6, 2012

Challenge Day 22

Happy Good Friday everyone! What a glorious day it is going to be today! The sun is shinning bright and I get to see my baby brother tonight who just turned 19 yesterday!

So yesterday was day 21, it was kind of chilly yesterday morning so I had to find a pair of pants to wear to take our morning walk. So I tried on a pair of athletic pants that someone gave me that I have never been able to wear before since they were to small. I had kept them around because I've always had good intentions to loose weight. So anyways, I put them on and they fit! And they aren't tight, and these aren't stretchy athletic pants, if you try to wear them and they are to small you are in danger of ripping out the butt if you bend over! LOL!

Before we went on our walk yesterday morning I made sure to check the weather to make sure it wasn't supposed to rain. It wasn't, so dressed in pants and jackets Mikey and I took off with Beau in tow. It wasn't to bad out, besides a little chilly. We got about 1.5 miles from home and it started sprinkling...I didn't think it was supposed to rain I thought. Well I decided to turn around anyways. Well a few minutes later it started sprinkling a little heavier. We were still about a mile from home and Mikey started to get cranky because he was getting wet and that was making him cold. Before we made it home he started throwing a huge fit! I didn't know what to do but walk as fast as I possibly could to get home. The poor guys hands were freezing by the time we got home, so I got him inside and warmed up as soon as we got home!

So after that disastrous walk we stayed inside the rest of the day! Yesterday evening I had John take me to get an Easter dress. I was planning on wearing the one I got last year, but of course it was way to big, which is a great feeling! So I went to try on dresses at my favorite store Maurices. I love the dress I got and I can't wait to wear it on Sunday! And get this, it is 6 dress sizes smaller than the size I started out with! I couldn't believe it! What a great way to end what started out as a disastrous day!!!

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