Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Challenge Day 20

Yesterday was day 20! I started my morning like every morning (but I have no problem getting out of bed anymore!), getting up at 7am and doing my morning Bible study before Mikey wakes up. The weather was beautiful yesterday!

Mikey and I took Beau on a nice long walk yesterday morning, 2.2 miles in just under 45 minutes! I can't even express to you how much energy I have and how great I feel! Some of you may be thinking that I am just feeling better because I had several surgeries in the past couple years so that is just what made me feel bad in the first place. Well that may have very little to do with it, but I feel better and more energetic than I ever have, even before that! Just for example in gym class in school when I was younger, you have to run the mile twice a year. It took me almost the longest in my class to finish, I can't remember exactly but I think it was approaching 25-30 mins for one mile. Right now I am even walking faster than that! I am still not really able to run or jog, even though I would like too, but my balance isn't good enough, and the slight weakness on my right side makes it more difficult!

One of the reasons this challenge isn't really considered a "diet" is because its not just "weight loss", its promoting a better lifestyle. It gives you energy that makes it easier and even desirable to work out and gain muscle, which weighs more than fat, but doesn't take up as much room in your body. So even though the scale doesn't show weight loss, your body will. That is what is wrong with a lot of "diet" programs, they only focus soley on the weight loss side of it. I know I am gaining muscle from all this walking because I can feel it in my calves when I walk, and arms when I am pushing the stroller and hanging onto Beau's leash. And I see that fat, especially in belly area (where I have a lot to lose from my pregnancy belly) disappearing!

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