Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Challenge Day 19

Yesterday was challenge day 19! I am only 5 days away from the end of the challenge! Yesterday was a scorcher, almost hitting 90 degrees! We figured out yesterday that our AC wasn't working, not what you want to find out when you try to turn your AC on! Thankfully today isn't going to be as warm, only getting into the 60's. We have someone coming this afternoon to look at it, hopefully we don't have to get a new unit!

Anyways yesterday morning, Mikey and I took our morning walk, but for the first time we took Beau. Beau isn't a great leash walker, he has husky in him so he has that pulling instinct, and even though he is small he can pull! Since I still have balance issues and walk with a cane the only way I can take these long walks is by pushing a stroller for the stability. So I didn't feel comfortable taking Beau because his pulling makes the stroller roll faster and I didn't know if I would be able to keep up without losing my balance. It wasn't too bad, yes he did pull a lot, and its worse when we are passing another dog, but after a while I got the hang of it! So I think we might be taking Beau with us more often, and I know he will like that!

I still can't get over how this challenge is making me feel! I love all this energy! Not to mention the meal replacement shakes that I drink in the morning are delish, and it makes breakfast a no brainer! I used to not eat breakfast half of the time because I never knew what to have, now I don't even have to think about it! Some mornings I add different flavors like almond extract, orange extract, and raspberry extract for a little variation. On St. Pat's day I added a little mint extract and green food coloring to my vanilla replacement shake to make a shamrock shake! It was good! I have even added banana to a chocolate shake, strawberries and mango pieces to a vanilla shake. There are all kinds of things you can add to these shakes to give them a bit of a variation! I prepare mine with a little ice and water and blend them in my magic bullet, which is awesome! So I can't rave enough about these products, I love them!!

Learn more about the 24 Day Challenge

Learn more about the Meal Replacement Shakes
Learn more about Advocare
Ask me how to get Advocare products at a discounted rate!

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